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9 More Interesting Bridges From Around The World.

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The Millau Viaduct:

The Tallest Vehicular Bridge In The World - The Millau ViaductThe tallest vehicular bridge in the world - The Millau Viaduct is a large cable-stayed road-bridge designed by the structural engineer Michel Virlogeux and British architect Norman Foster. Its a part of the A75-A71 autoroute axis from Paris to Béziers, formally dedicated on 14 December 2004, inaugurated the day after and opened to public two days later. What makes it special is the fact that its slightly taller than the Eiffel Tower with its one of its mast's summit at 343 meters (1,125 ft) and only 38 m (125 ft) shorter than the Empire State Building. Apart from this, its construction surpassed three world records: the highest pylons in the world, the highest mast in the world and the highest road bridge deck in the world. Scheduled for completion in December 2009 the Chenab Bridge in the Reasi District of Jammu and Kashmir (India) will be 359 meters (1,180 ft) high, and its likely that Millau Viaduct will loose its position as the highest bridge deck in the world.

Fehmarn Belt Bridge, Baltic Sea:

Fehmarn Belt Bridge, Baltic Sea(Image: Credit).
The Fehmarn Belt bridge is supposed to be completed by 2018 and will connect the German island of Fehmarn with the Danish island of Lolland with a bridge crossing the 11 miles wide Fehmarn Belt in the Baltic Sea at an estimated cost of EURO 5 bn. The bridge will shorten the rail journey from Hamburg to Copenhagen from 4¾ to 3½ hours.

Gateshead Millennium Bridge:

Gateshead Millennium BridgeDesigned by Wilkinson Eyre Architects and engineers, Gifford and Partners. The only purpose why this bridge was built is for cyclists to cross the river.

Erasmusbrug Rotterdam:

Erasmusbrug Rotterdam(Image credit: raym.deds).
The Erasmusbrug is a 808 meter long bridge, has a 139 meter-high asymmetrical pylon, earning the bridge its nickname of "The Swan". Designed by Ben van Berkel and completed in 1996, it's a cable-stayed bridge across the Nieuwe Maas river, linking the northern and southern halves of the city of Rotterdam, Netherlands. The southern span of the bridge has a 89 meter long bascule bridge (the largest and heaviest in West Europe and has the largest panel of its type in the world) for ships that cannot pass under the bridge.

Tower Bridge, London:

Tower Bridge, London(Image: Credit).
Tower Bridge completed in 1894 is one of the most famous landmarks in London. It is close to the Tower of London, which gives it its name. Tower Bridge is sometimes unknowingly referred to as London Bridge, which is actually the next bridge upstream. Tower Bridge took 432 workers, 8 years to build; and the two massive piers, containing over 70,000 tons of concrete, has 2 counterbalanced bascules into place each weighing 1,000 tonnes and then clad the whole bridge in Portland stone and Cornish granite to cover the 11,000 tonnes of steel beneath, and the total cost of construction was £1,184,000.

Oresund Bridge, Sweden / Denmark:

Oresund Bridge, Sweden / Denmark(Image credit: roadtraffi).
Its a combined two-track rail and four-lane road bridge across the Oresund strait. The bridge-tunnel is the longest combined road and rail bridge in Europe which connects the two metropolitan areas of the Oresund Region. The high bridge has the longest cable-stayed main span in the world for both road and rail traffic.

Tsing Ma Bridge:

Tsing Ma Bridge(Image credit: wiki).
Tsing Ma Bridge in HongKong is the world's seventh-longest span suspensionbridge. Named after two of the islands in HongKong, it has two decks and carries both road and rail traffic.

Magdeburg Water Bridge:

Magdeburg Water BridgeThis is a channel-bridge over the River Elbe and joins the former East & West Germany, as part of the unification project. Overall length 918 m (690 m over land and 228 m over water), trough width 34 m, depth of water 4.25 m, maximum span 106 m, constructed with about 68,000 cubic meters of concrete and 24,000 metric tons of steel, construction began in 1997 and concluded in 2003.

Sydney Harbour Bridge:

Sydney Harbour Bridge(Image credit: picture-tourist).
The Sydney Harbour Bridge was designed and built by Dorman Long and Co Ltd, Middlesbrough, Teesside. And according to Guinness World Records, it is the world's widest long-span bridge and the tallest steel arch bridge, measuring 134 meters (429.6 ft) from top to water level. It is also the fourth-longest spanning-arch bridge in the world.

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