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20 Spy Cameras.

all about unik 77 : percaya atau tidak, kalau bisa sih unik setuju ?

sumber :http://www.crookedbrains.net/2009/04/cameras.html

If you are interested in spy business ;), here are a few cameras to get you started.

The Necktie Spy Camera:

The Necktie Spy CameraThis Necktie Spy Camera features a tiny pinhole spy camera hidden in the pattern, which can record videos at a 352 x 288 resolution at 12 frames per second. It can be directly plugged into a USB port for transferring files to your PC, it records in AVI format, has 2GB of built in memory, and comes with a remote control. The Necktie Spy Camera is available for $66 from Brando.

Shoe Camera:

Shoe CameraA normal shoe with a hidden 2.4ghz wireless camera inside it.

Button Spy Camera:

Button Spy CameraThe Button camera has a 3.7mm pinhole lens, the portable recorder has a 2.4 inch TFT lCD screen, and 2GB of internal memory.

Zippo Style Digital Camera:

Zippo Style Digital CameraIt uses micro SD card from 128 MB to 8 GB and can playback video on cell phone or PC.

Electrical Outlet Camera:

Electrical Outlet CameraThe Electrical Outlet Hidden Camera is a non-functional electrical outlet with a hidden compartment. Inside it has a wireless 2.4Ghz color spy camera that can transmit audio and video to the included wireless receiver.

Shaving Cream Can Camera:

Shaving Cream Can CameraIt has a hidden spy camera in a can of shaving cream. The unit comes with a 2.4Ghz wireless receiver that can plug into any RCA video input, i.e., TV or VCR or personal Digital Video Recorder. And it can transmit the live video signals up to 50 feet away.

A Fruit Juice Box Camera:

A Fruit Juice Box CameraThis one looks really cool.

Hidden Color Spy Sunglasses Camera:

Hidden Color Spy Sunglasses CameraIt has a 92° field-of-view, the hidden hardwired color CCD camera lets you record exactly what you are looking at.

Locket Camera:

Locket CameraIt's a Kodak 1881 digital camera, designed by Lindsey Pickett to look like an old locket. If you open it up you'll see two LCD screens that display your photos.

Spy Camcorder Pen:

Spy Camcorder PenIt's a fourth version pen camera, with a built in 4 GB memory, high resolution camcorder plus 2048 X 1536 still picture capability, PC & mac compatible and it costs $199.00.

Spy Camera Video Watch:

Spy Camera Video WatchA timepiece that will allow you to record interviews, meetings; the video camcorder lets you record AVI format files that can later be transferred to the computer for viewing and archiving purposes.

Belt Buckle Camera:

Belt Buckle CameraIt's a 'Buckle DVR' with built in micro camera and sound.

Keychain Digital Camera:

Keychain Digital CameraThis keychain digital camera fits on your keys so you'll always have it with you. It can take photos and video without anyone knowing what you're doing.

ID Card with Integrated Camera:

ID Card with Integrated CameraThe AME-105 ID Card spy camera comes with a small 1.3MP video camera capable of recording video on AVI H.263 at 352×288/15fps and 4GB of internal memory. Recorded video can be transferred to your PC or laptop via USB.

Brooch Camera:

Brooch CameraJust put on the brooch, plug it into either pocket DVR 500 or DVR 806 and you are ready to record video.

Baseball Cap Spy Camera-Color:

Baseball Cap Spy Camera-ColorIt is a real baseball hat that has a special lining to hold the dvr and the pinhole ccd video camera.

Lipstick Camera:

Lipstick CameraIt's a 8GB USB2.0 color video and voice camcorder that does recording with a pixel drive cam camera pinhole camera and DVR that has up to 20 hours of video recording.

Tie Clip Camera:

Tie Clip CameraInside of the tie clip is a tiny 3.7 mm pinhole hidden camera, capable of recording video in MPEG4, and contains an audio pickup as well. 'Your video and sound can be played back on the receiver unit with the 2.4-inch TFT LCD display, which records all of the received video on its 2GB of storage space.'

Chewing Gum Camera:

Chewing Gum CameraThe chewing gum sized tiny spy camera is designed to fit perfectly inside a gum wrapper. It has a 3.6mm wide angle, 1GB Micro SD card in 3gp format that can record 15 frames per second with 33 hours of recording storage.

Hidden Camera In A Computer Speaker:

Hidden Camera In A Computer SpeakerThere is a hidden camera in this fully functional 2-piece speaker system and it works with PC's, MP3player, CD and DVD players.

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