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restoran dan Masakan ala CHINA yang unik dan ngga lazim


sumber :http://www.aol.com.au/lifestyle/gallery/ls-china-bizarre-food-0809/2/false/6000/gallery.jhtml

A vendor works at stand selling starfish at the Wangfujing Street shopping area in Beijing. Today's Beijing is packed with eateries at every corner, open at all hours and offering regional cuisines of all kinds a reflection of China's stunning economic success after almost three decades of convulsive growth. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

A woman poses with a skewer of fried scorpions at the Wangfujing Street shopping area in Beijing. Today's Beijing is packed with eateries at every corner, open at all hours and offering regional cuisines of all kinds a reflection of China's stunning economic success after almost three decades of convulsive growth. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

BEIJING: A cook poses with a plate of yak penis at the Guolizhuang Penis Restaurant in Beijing, China. The restaurant offers more than 30 types of animal-penis dishes which can cost from 500 yuan up to 90,000 yuan. It is believed that eating an animal's penis can strengthen a man's sexual ability. (Photo by Feng Li/Getty Images)

BEIJING: A cook displays a plate of seal penis that at the Guolizhuang Penis Restaurant in Beijing, China. The restaurant offers more than 30 types of animal-penis dishes which can cost from 500 yuan up to 90,000 yuan. It is believed that eating an animal's penis can strengthen a man's sexual ability. (Photo by Feng Li/Getty Images)

BEIJING: A cook displays a plate of snake penises at the Guolizhuang Penis Restaurant in Beijing, China. The restaurant offers more than 30 types of animal-penis dishes which can cost from 500 yuan up to 90,000 yuan. It is believed that eating an animal's penis can strengthen a man's sexual ability. (Photo by Feng Li/Getty Images)

BEIJING: A waitress displays a plate of animal penises and testis at the Guolizhuang Penis Restaurant in Beijing, China. The restaurant offers more than 30 types of animal-penis dishes, which can cost from 500 yuan up to 90,000 yuan. It is believed that eating an animal's penis can strengthen a man's sexual ability. (Photo by Feng Li/Getty Images)

Beijing, CHINA: A Chinese street vendor eats a deep fried starfish in central Beijing. There are a number of these foods in the Chinese capital which in some cases have become delicacies which date back many years and have now almost become traditional dishes, being prepared and cooked in many different ways to enhance flavours. AFP PHOTO/TEH ENG KOON/Getty Images)

GUANGZHOU, CHINA: A Chinese man eats spicy crayfish during a spicy crayfish eating match in Guangzhou of Guangdong Province, China. The spicy crayfish has become increasingly popular in big cities of China. With people indulging their appetite for the crustacean, health officials warned that the delicious food may bring a potentially dangerous parasite that causes lung fluke, a typical verminosis. (Photo by China Photos/Getty Images)

XIAN, CHINA: Fried cicada pupas (Japanese Beetles) are for sale at Xian International Exhibition Center in Xian of Shaanxi Province, China. The expo had a series of exhibitions, forums, skill demonstrations and gourmet shows to review and display the new image of Chinese catering. (Photo by China Photos/Getty Images)

SHENZHEN, CHINA: A diner eats her meal at a toilet-themed restaurant in Shenzhen of Guangdong Province, China. Food arrives in bowls shaped like Western-style toilets or Asian-style "squat pots". The theme has attracted droves of novelty-seeking young people who come to play with their food and gross out their friends. (Photo by China Photos/Getty Images)

BEIJING: A pet dog is fed food in Coolbaby Pet Restaurant in Beijing, China. The restaurant claims to be the first in Beijing to provide fancy and healthy food to both pets and their owners. Coolbaby Pet Restaurant's owners hope the restaurant will a meeting point for animal lovers in the Chinese capital. As living standards improve for humans in China, many are showering their pets with the same care and attention. (Photo by Guang Niu/Getty Images)

NANJING, CHINA: A butterfly body painted model poses for pictures near dishes of food at a restaurant's opening ceremony in Nanjing of Jiangsu Province, China. The restaurant, Leflorlege, is using the unique body painting displays as a promotional idea to attract more customers. (Photo by China Photos/Getty Images)

NANJING, CHINA: A woman eats spicy crayfish at a restaurant in Nanjing of Jiangsu Province, China. The spicy crayfish has become increasingly popular in big cities of China. The crustacean, which resembles a miniature lobster, is an alien, invasive species introduced into China during the 1930s from Japan. Its original habitat is in North America. Crayfish grow in dams of fresh water rivers and lakes. (Photo by China Photos/Getty Images)

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