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Top 10 Sexiest Politicians

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sumber :http://www.toptenz.net/sexiest-politicians.php

Here is my Top Ten List of the Sexiest Politicians, certain royalty not withstanding. Hey, it’s my list. You want different rules, write your own. And I’m not limiting myself to the living. Although please let the record show any departeds mentioned here are being thought of as in their living state.

The obvious choice on everyone’s minds right now, I’m sure, is our President here in the States, Barack Obama. And I encourage comments that elaborate on that morsel. But as for me, sorry kids, he just didn’t make my personal Top Ten Sexiest Politicians List.

10. John F. Kennedy


Let’s start inauguration day off right with a JFK Flashback. My Number 10 pick is John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States. Beautiful face, dark secrets, a visionary with incredible taste in women. Any man good enough for Marilyn Monroe is good enough for me.

9. Che Guevara


The Revolutionary Che Guevara comes in at number 9, pun intended. You know this guy is passionate and fiery. He must have been an incredible lover, soulful and intense. I can’t imagine a moment in the bedroom with him would ever be boring.

8. Eva Peron


Eva Peron, the First Lady of Argentina makes the list at number 8. Am I the only one that notices how long and strong her fingers look in all those images of her speeches? Enough said.

7. Nikolas Sarkozy


Nikolas Sarkozy, the President of the French Republic is on my list for a few reasons. He’s cute, he’s got a sexy voice, and he’s got that glimmer in his eyes that says “Spank me! I’m a naughty naughty Frenchman!” Courbure au-dessus, de Monsieur.

6. Matti Vanhanen


Next would be the geeky, quirky Prime Minister of Finland, Matti Vanhanen. Crazy-smart, never smiles in public, doesn’t take other people’s advice, doesn’t drink, and is often called “boring” by the media. Still waters run deep, my friends. Look at those eyes and that wild left wing politic of his. This guy is a “gusher” waiting to be “tapped.”

5. Clare Boothe Luce


One of the very first women elected to congress, Clare Boothe Luce is one heady little number. This New York City born, gorgeous woman was a very talented writer. See how much she and I have in common right off the bat? Artsy, sexy, smart, in fashion, and cheekbones to die for.

4. John Gavin


Next I’ll have John Gavin. John was an actor and a Stanford graduate, who served in the Navy. He stared in many films including Psycho. With that strong jawline, sexy little dimple in his chin, and that broad chest perfect for serving up body shots, he was Ambassador to Mexico in the 80’s. Donde es la fiesta, Handsome?

3. Prince Henry


I admit it - I’m a cougar. And calm down, he’ll be 25 this year. Can I get a hell-yeah for Prince Henry of Wales? Yes, that sexy little red headed son of Princess Diana who happens to look more like that body guard then he does Prince Charles, but I digress. What can you say about a guy born into the lap of luxury and privilege who decides to serve two and a half months on the front lines in Afghanistan? Tank Commander Harry, I’d love to salute you, babe.

2. Clint Eastwood


No one will be surprised at this one: Former Mayor of Carmel California, Clint Eastwood. But let’s set the stage in the 1960’s. Think: The Good The Bad and The Ugly. He flips that Mexican poncho thing back and quick-draws his nice big gun. I also like to think he keeps the hat and boots on.

1. Yulia Tymoshenko


Without a doubt my very number one choice for the sexiest politician, is the lovely Yulia Tymoshenko, Prime Minister of Ukraine. Known as the Joan of Arc of the Orange Revolution, named one of the most powerful women in the world by Forbes a couple of times, and donning that trademark braided long blond hair, she is beautiful, strong, brave, vivacious and smart. Purrr, can you imagine the foreplay? First we engage in a heated discussion about her former business partner Pavlov Lazarenko’s fraud and corruption charges, and then we jello wrestle.

Written by Veronica, www.lonelyroadsandpsychopaths.com

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