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Top 10 Metrosexuals

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sumber :http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-metrosexuals.php

These truly modern guys are unafraid to buy beauty products, wear makeup, and get pedicures. Confident in their masculinity, they push the envelope as society’s top ten metrosexuals. Metros have been defined as “straight guys who look gay”.

10. Dave Navarro

Rockers are renowned for their use of makeup and their love of chains and leather: Dave Navarro takes it even further. In his reality show with Carmen Electra, she confessed that she never thought she would end up with a guy who “spends more time in front of the mirror than I do”. They are now divorced, but probably not because Dave is a confirmed metrosexual.

9. Pete Wentz

Another rocker with a taste for black eyeliner and super-styled hair, Pete is nonetheless a faithful heterosexual boyfriend to the new and improved Ashlee Simpson: they are expecting their first child in a few months.

8. A-Rod

This superstar athlete is known for his frosty highlights and his ever-expanding wardrobe. He’s also suspected of having a hot affair with the 50-year old icon Madonna.

7. Jonathan Rhys-Meyers

This gorgeous actor is known for his sexually ambiguous parts: he can switch from Seventies’ gay glam rocker, to Elvis, to King Henry the Eighth! He is also known for his love of skin products, high fashion, and 18,000 dollar Fendi couches.

6. Lenny Kravitz

The rich hippie of our Metrosexual list, Kravitz has taken his bohemian look to the extreme, with custom-made leather, a lot of high-end jewelry, and an abiding interest in his own image.

5. Prince

Perhaps the top metrosexual of the Eighties, before the term was even invented, Prince was highly gifted and totally unapologetic about his desire to wear makeup, pink and purple suits, and satin boots with five-inch heels. Who could forget the backless pants he wore to the music awards?

4. Chace Crawford

The Gossip Girl star has been plagued with gay rumors, like so many other pretty-boy actors, but he denies being homosexual. His layered hair and expertly groomed persona, complete with runway-ready casual wear and suits, has made his the youngest metro on our list, and, in the eyes of young fans, the dreamiest.

3. Ryan Seacrest

A rabid metrosexual whose interest in his own appearance is a running joke on American Idol, Seacrest is also plagued with gay rumors that he denies. His highlights may be gone now, but he remains a fashion aficionado with immaculate grooming and a serious wardrobe.

2. Dominic Monaghan

The Lost star thinks he should probably “be gay” because he loves painting his nails and dressing up in skirts. He dates his beautiful costar, Evangeline Lilly, who clearly has no issues with his metrosexuality.

1.) David Beckham

The fairest of them all, David Beckham has redefined male style with his fashion-forward outfits and skin art. David Beckham never seems to wear the same thing twice, and his sports prowess and new cologne business have made him the most powerful and desired metrosexual man in the world.

By Heather Matthews. Please help Heather’s career as a writer and order her new book, Carolina, today.

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