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10 Famous People and Their Phobias

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sumber :http://www.toptenz.net/10-famous-people-and-their-phobias.php

Our list of the top 10 most crippling phobias was a hugely popular. With that in mind, here are 10 well-known celebrities and famous historic figures who have had or currently have their own phobias.

10. Johnny Depp - Clourophobia, fear or clowns

“Something about the painted face, the fake smile,” Depp told reporters once. “There always seemed to be a darkness lurking just under the surface, a potential for real evil.”

9. Sigmund Freud - Siderodromophobia, fear of train travel

On the trip from Freiberg the train passed through Breslau, where Freud saw gas jets for the first time; they made him think of souls burning in hell.

8. Howard Hughes - Mysophobia, fear of germs

Toward the end of his life, he lay naked in bed in darkened hotel rooms in what he considered a germ-free zone. He wore tissue boxes on his feet to protect them.

7. Marilyn Monroe - Agoraphobia, fear of public or open places

Very odd that a actress would suffer from this, but another famous blond does as well, Kim Basinger.

6. Billie Bob Thorton - Panophobia, fear of antique furniture

“Maybe it’s a past-life thing and I got beat to death with some old chair,” Thornton told Oprah Winfrey. “I don’t really know. But anyway … I’m totally serious. And I can’t eat around antiques.”

5. Alfred Hitchcock - Ovophobia, fear of eggs.

While filming the Birds, actress Susan Pleshette was chatised by Hitchcock’s assistant. “She said, ‘Don’t put your cigarette out in your eggs,’ ” Pleshette said. “‘He hates eggs, he hates cigarettes, and frankly, he hates you.’ ”

4. Natalie Wood - Hydrophobia, fear of water. She died by drowning.

Natalie’s mother may have also caused her lifelong fear of water. It began when her mother lied to her about a bridge she had to cross in a movie scene. She said it was safe, but the truth is, it was rigged to collapse.

3. John Madden - Aerophobia, fear of flying

Mr. Madden travels by bus for all of his job as a sports announcer.

2. Christina Ricci - Botanophobia, fear of indoor houseplants

Ricci swears she’s afraid of houseplants. “They are dirty,” she said. “If I have to touch one, after already being repulsed by the fact that there is a plant indoors, then it just freaks me out.”

1. Madonna - Brontophobia, fear of thunder

Many dogs share with Madonna an irrational fear of thunder.

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