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Paper Cutting, Folding, Sculptures, Illustrations And Origami.

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Paper Cutting By Elisabeth Bottesi-Fischer:

Paper Cutting, Folding, Sculptures, Illustrations And Origami (18) 4Paper Cutting, Folding, Sculptures, Illustrations And Origami (18) 5"Usually, I prepare a rough sketch first and create then a folded cutting. Then I choose the colors. The colored paper I use is mainly out of newspapers and catalogues. I selectively glue the finished black paper cutting to the back ground material; on or under it I glue colored flowers, leaves, grasses and the like, which gives the three-dimensional effect."

Béatrice Coron's Invisible Cities:

Paper Cutting, Folding, Sculptures, Illustrations And Origami (18) 7"My "Invisible Cities" are three nine-yard long paper cuttings completed in 2008. I cut the three layers together, then separately. While the skylines are similar, the paper cuttings show different versions of a world in transition. The "whole nine yards" format requires viewers to discover the territories as in an atlas, where every place is connected."

Paper Cutting By E Pien:

Paper Cutting, Folding, Sculptures, Illustrations And Origami (18) 8Super Fine Lacy-Paper-Cutting By Aoyama Hina:

Paper Cutting, Folding, Sculptures, Illustrations And Origami (18) 9Paper Cutting, Folding, Sculptures, Illustrations And Origami (18) 10Aoyama Hina creates the most intricate and unbelievable paper cutouts.

Paper Cutting By Bovey Lee:

Paper Cutting, Folding, Sculptures, Illustrations And Origami (18) 11All images are hand cut on rice paper.

Paper-Cut Art By Risa Fukui:

Paper Cutting, Folding, Sculptures, Illustrations And Origami (18) 12Paper Cutting, Folding, Sculptures, Illustrations And Origami (18) 13Some truly amazing paper cuts.

Kako Uedo: Paper Cut By Hand:

Paper Cutting, Folding, Sculptures, Illustrations And Origami (18) 14Paper Cutting, Folding, Sculptures, Illustrations And Origami (18) 15Kako Uedo makes incredibly detailed images from paper using only a knife. Her work is intricate and the paper finely worked to create a beautiful and fascinating view of nature.

Paper Cutting By Ryan:

Paper Cutting, Folding, Sculptures, Illustrations And Origami (18) 16Paper Cuts From Past:

Paper Cutting, Folding, Sculptures, Illustrations And Origami (18) 17The above one comes from the gallery of paper cuts that represents a unique art form, created by mostly anonymous folk artists.

Folded Paper Art:

Paper Cutting, Folding, Sculptures, Illustrations And Origami (18) 1Y. Nishimura makes beautiful folded paper art.

A Paper Folding Project:

Paper Cutting, Folding, Sculptures, Illustrations And Origami (18) 2Here are step-by-step instructions by P Haeberli on how to make a structural folded plate.

Polypolyhedra Created By Robert J Lang:

Paper Cutting, Folding, Sculptures, Illustrations And Origami (18) 3

How To Reuse Your Old Books:

How to reuse your old books 1How to reuse your old books 2Neat art created using old books. If you think these as work of art, then you may like it. Show the same to a book lover & there is a very good chance of they making you feel sorry for showing these to them. If you are among those who love books & find peace in them, then this isn't for you; & for all the other folks, check this out & enjoy! Here is the rest of the gallery.

Book Art:

unique world of  Georgia Russell (3) 1unique world of  Georgia Russell (3) 2This is something which even those who have no interest in books would love. If you are among those who think books are for only reading then think again! Here is the rest of the gallery.

Book Vases:

Book Vases (5) 1Book Vases (5) 5Laura Cahill, a graduate designer who has a zeal for sustainable design, presented vases and furniture made from unwanted books at New Designers in London earlier this year. Laura doesn't like seeing old books getting thrown away, and has developed delicate yet practical designs using low energy methods. Here is the rest of her gallery.

Book Sculpture:

Book Art (4) 2Book Art (4) 3We were impressed the moment we saw these spectacularly done delicate sculptures made from beautiful old books. Nicholas is a Melbourne based sculptor who uses books and printed paper to make works which question the manner in which books are 'read'. He describes his style of art as book sculpture. Here is the rest of his gallery.

Book Keeping:

Book Keeping (6) 1Book Keeping (6) 2Book Keeping is one of the three collections which are constantly evolved by B Pepper, a textile / jewellery designer maker. Things from the past, memories, over-hearing and stories inspire her work. She explores different media and techniques in both two and three-dimensions in her effort to find that elusive something which makes an object captivating. Here is the rest of her gallery.

Cast Paper Sculptures:

Cast Paper Sculptures (3) 1These are the creations of Allen and Patty Eckman, who have developed this process that allows them to turn their museum quality paper creations into bronze while retaining the archival paper in its original state. Since 1988 Patty and Allen have developed and perfected the medium of cast paper far beyond any other artist in the world. You can see the rest of the work on their website. Here is the rest of their gallery.

Paper Sculpture:

Paper Sculpture (3) 1This is the 'Paper Sculpture' created for the main exhibition of Illustrative Zürich festival 2008 by graphic designer J Vallée. He is based in Montreal, Canada, and works on a range of projects including art direction, graphics, print design, art installation and video + design for the music industry. Here is the rest of his gallery.

Paper Flowers for Chanel:

Paper Flowers (8) 1Paper Flowers (8) 2Here we have amazing paper-installations for Chanel's 2009 Spring/Summer Haute Couture show. These are photos of the paper flowers lining the runway and draped throughout the venue of the Couture show. According to the Chanel website, there were 7,000 handmade paper flowers, created using 4000 square meters of paper, which took a total of 4,800 hours of work to assemble, all in one color. Here is the rest of the gallery.

Typographic Paper Illustrations:

Typographic Paper Illustrations (5) 1Here we have typographic paper illustrations of Yulia Brodskaya, a Russian born graphic designer and illustrator now based in London. Here is the rest of the gallery.

Paper Cutting Dress:

Paper Cutting, Folding, Sculptures, Illustrations And Origami (18) 6It was part of the Paper-Cutting Art Exposition.

Paper Dress:

Paper Dress (6) 1'Paper Dress' made by Jolis Paons. The paper dress was made purely out of phonebook paper for her Creative Processes class. Here is the rest of her gallery.

Three-Dimensional Snowflakes With Paper:

Make Three-Dimensional Snowflakes With Paper (7) 1These aren't as simple as making the two-dimensional paper snowflakes but they look exceptionally good and can be a suitable handicraft for children skilled with scissors and who have patience in making them. The final result would be a beautiful three-dimensional snowflake that makes a perfect tree decoration. Here is the rest of the gallery.

Paper Portraits.

Paper Portraits (3) 1These are 3 dimensional photo-realistic paper portraits and sculptures created by B Simons. Here is the rest of his gallery.

Paper Rings:

Paper Rings (5) 1'Paper Rings' a range of fold-out paper jewellery designed by designers Tithi Kutchamuch and Nutre Arayavanish, was launched at Origin at Somerset house in London sometime back. The collection consists of 12 flower-shaped rings for each month which are sold flat for the buyer to assemble. Rings are available in a sheet with all twelve or individually. Here is the rest of the gallery.

Paper Artwork:

AssortedHave you ever felt bedazzled seeing paper artwork? If no, then its time that you check out these Jen Stark's amazing artwork. And what makes it even more special is the use of regular multi colored construction paper. Here is the rest of his gallery.

How Creative Can You Get With An A4 Paper!

How Creative Can You Get With An A4 Paper!How creative can you get with an A4 paper? If you would have asked this question to anyone, then the reply might have been a causal one, like for writing, or using it for print outs. But the reply for the same question by P Callesen will amaze anyone & yes even you too. Till we ourselves saw what can be created by using just day-to-day A4 paper we couldn't believe it. Here are some awesome creations by P Callesen which we are sure will leave you bedazzled. Here is the rest of his gallery.

Is This The World's Most Complex Origami?

Is This The World's Most Complex Origami?Here is the rest of the gallery.


origami of dwarf Gimli,  Legolas the Elf, & Aragon Of Lord Of The Rings
Eric Joisel is the creator of this Lord of the Rings group origami & what makes it special is, its created using one uncut square of paper! Here is the rest of the gallery.

Life Size Origami:

Life Size Origami Model folded from largest square Here is the rest of the gallery.

Origami Art:

Origami Art (18) 14These were created by a team of designers, folders & paper engineers for the Folding Australia 2005 Convention. An idea by Darren Scott, which was eventually taken, up as a project & brought into reality by director Matt Gardiner. Here is the rest of the gallery.

Print Origami Artwork:

Print Origami Artwork (3) 1Here we have some interesting print origami sculptures by Jacquet Fritz Junior and photographed by Matthieu Gauchet. These are printed on a black sheet of polymer thermoplastic (PVC) covered with unpolished film. Here is the rest of the gallery.

Origami With Bills:

Origami with bills (6) 1Here is the rest of the gallery.

Advertisements Using Origami:

 Advertisements Using Origami (15) 1Here we got some advertisements which uses origami to send across their message. Here is the rest of the gallery.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks! amazing works! Good work, good article!

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