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papa mana yaaa..... atutttt nih cendilian .... *_*

all about unik 77 : percaya atau tidak, kalau bisa sih unik setuju ?

busyet deh ... bayi garong !!!!



all about unik 77 : percaya atau tidak, kalau bisa sih unik setuju ?

satria power ranger ?? hehee....

benar benar pasangan serasi ya ??? hohoho... ^O^

awas .. jagoan PASAR mau lewat nih ... hihihiii...............

alat tetes mata yang UNIK ?

Desain Kantin EXCLUSIVE

all about unik 77 : percaya atau tidak, kalau bisa sih unik setuju ?

sumber : http://www.crookedbrains.net/2009/05/canteens.html

kapan yaa.. kampus gw kantin nya kek gene ??

hehee mimpi kali yaaa.... ^O^

Lufthansa Hamburg Canteen (2) 1(Image credit: rehvonwald).

Lufthansa Hamburg Canteen (2) 2(Image credit: rehvonwald).

Microsoft Canteen:

Microsoft Canteen(Image credit: xbox365).

Yahoo Korea Canteen:

Yahoo Korea Canteen(Image credit: kaba).

Yahoo Bangalore, India Canteen:

Yahoo Bangalore, India Canteen (2) 1(Image credit: razzakosman).

Yahoo Bangalore, India Canteen (2) 2(Image credit: razzakosman).

Yahoo Sunnyvale, California Canteen:

Yahoo Sunnyvale, CA Canteen(Image credit: andybraxton).

Pixar Canteen:

Pixar Canteen(Image credit: cianmm).

Google Zurich Canteen:

Google Zurich Canteen (2) 1(Image credit: bigonazzi).

Google Zurich Canteen (2) 2(Image credit: pineapplebun).

Google London Canteen:

Google London Canteen(Image credit: handifem).

Another Google Canteen:

Google Canteen(Image credit: drumrick).

Cafe 150:

Cafe 150  (2) 1(Image credit: sfgate).
Cafe 150  (2) 2'Cafe 150 is located in Mountain View on the high-tech campus of Internet giant Google.'

The Canteen at Harvard University:

The Canteen at Harvard University (2) 1(Image credit: spluch).
The Canteen at Harvard University (2) 2Few other interesting looking canteens:

Yellow Canteen:

Yellow Canteen(Image credit: gogo159).

Wet Canteen:

Wet Canteen(Image credit: takeshiyo).

(pics KOCAK) preman tapi alay !!

all about unik 77 : percaya atau tidak, kalau bisa sih unik setuju ?

sumber : http://www.kaskuserz.com/forum/pics-KOCAK-preman-tapi-alay

Trik pengemis yg tubuhnya penuh luka !!!

all about unik 77 : percaya atau tidak, kalau bisa sih unik setuju ?

sumber :http://www.kaskuserz.com/forum/Trik-pengemis-yg-tubuhnya-penuh-luka

Juragan pernah liat pengemis yg tubuhnya penuh sama luka??
yang sepert itu gag selalu beneran luka gan, bisa aja dibuat-buat...

liat aja Gan....

Spoiler for siapin tinta merah,cotton pad, lem putih,tusuk gigi,kapas,jika tak ada tinta gunakan darah binatang:

Spoiler for pergunakan lem putih untuk membuat area luka:
Spoiler for tunggu sampai lem mengering,gunakan tusuk gigi untuk membuat area sekitar luka:
Spoiler for gunakan dishwaser pad untuk membuat efek luka:
Spoiler for gunakan tusuk gigi dan tinta merah untuk memperkuat efek guratan luka:
Spoiler for rapikan, buat se real mungkin:
Spoiler for so wat u say:

Belajar membaca huruf yu.....

all about unik 77 : percaya atau tidak, kalau bisa sih unik setuju ?


Dresses: Which One Will You Pick.

all about unik 77 : percaya atau tidak, kalau bisa sih unik setuju ?

sumber :http://www.crookedbrains.net/2009/05/dress.html

Duct Tape Prom Dress:

Duct Tape Prom DressThis is one of the prom outfits made out of duct tape. A creative use of duct tape. 'Duck brand Duct Tape holds a scholarship contest every year to see who can make the best prom outfit outta duct tape-- the winners gets $3,000 for college.'

Fascinating Wedding Gowns:

Fascinating Wedding GownsWe were under the impression that wedding gowns are supposed to be fascinating. This one comes from the post written by J Gutwein who thinks these aren't, though the comments say otherwise. In our opinion, this one is quite simple and between the remaining two that you can check here, the second one looks quite hot and we don't want to comment on the third one though.

Paper Dress:

Paper Dress (6) 1'Paper Dress' made by Jolis Paons. The paper dress was made purely out of phonebook paper for her Creative Processes class.

Transparent Dress:

(Image: Credit).
How about this one where you don't have anything to hide, could this be one of the options?

Chocolate Dress:

Chocolate Dress (9)  2All the outfits are edible & are made with chocolate.

Wallpaper Dress:

Wallpaper Dress (2) 1Wallpaper Dress (2) 2Ben Pell's Walldrobe Wearpaper is a beautiful and interesting concept; it consists of a series of thin leather panels that you can put on your wall as an artwork. "When you're ready to get dressed, you take down your chosen pieces, affix a set of nickel-finished wire snaps to them, and voila: you have wearable clothing."

Airmail Dress:

Airmail Dress(Image credit: sanalmuze).
Another one from Hussein Chalayan, it's an airmail dress that folds up into an envelope.

Optical Illusion:

Optical Illusion'A hat from Comme des Garcons' spring/summer 2001.'

Can Tuxedo:

Can TuxedoMore...

Sugar Casts:

Sugar CastsYet another one from Hussein Chalayan, part of spring/summer 2001 show, the models were dressed in sugar casts.

Hi-Tech Clothes: Over a period of time the purpose of clothes have changed; from preserving the wearers' modesty, or to protect from the elements of nature, or for many as a fashion statement. In the recent years, significant changes took place in textile industry. Now we have hi-tech clothes, smart clothes, smart fabrics, and intelligent clothes that have become a reality. We have health monitoring fabrics, active sportswear, temperature sensitive fabrics and many others. A glove that works as a cell phone, a tanktop that helps in keeping you in the best of health conditions, a dress that powers your iPod, mobile-phone shirts, just speak into the collar, shoes that changes with the speed based on the speed and motion of the wearer.

Spray-On Dress:

Spray-On DressDesigned and invented by Manel Torres of Fabrican. It's a temporary dress that consists of a cloud of non-woven cloth. All you got to do is spray the formula directly onto your skin and you have your dress.

Airplane Dress:

Airplane Dress(Image credit: unforth).
Airplane dress created by Hussein Chalayan, part of the spring/summer collection 2000. It's made from the same material used in aircraft construction and changes shape by remote control.

The Hug Shirt:

Hug ShirtThe Hug Shirt allows people to send hugs over distance; it's a Bluetooth accessory for Java enabled mobile phones.

Anti-Aging Clothes:

Anti-Aging ClothesThese Nano Dew shirts and blankets contain some elements that will help reduce the signs of aging.

Camera Hoodies:

Camera HoodiesCreated by D Eng. It incorporates a digital camera, which automatically snaps a photo in case the wearer's heartrate increases.


CreatewearIt's a wearable communication. It uses a flexible color screen with clothes and "fashion" accessories. The screen is connected to the mobile phone using Bluetooth.

Tap Tap:

Tap TapThe credit of its creation goes to Leonardo Bonanni, J Lieberman, Cati Vaucelle and Orit Zuckerman. 'This scarf can record and play back the affectionate touch of loved ones.'

"Puddle Jumper" Raincoat:

Raincoat(Image credit: BBC).
It lights up as water lands on it.

Cooling Jacket:

Cooling Jacket'It came from the need to keep astronauts the right temperature in space."

Fragrance Dress:

Fragrance DressThe tiny tubes in this dress can carry fragrances.

Muk Lux Flux:

Muk Lux FluxThese boots change shape based on the speed and motion of the wearer.

Levi's RedWire DLX Jeans:

Levis RedWire DLX Jeans'First known iPod jeans dock; sturdy control nub.'

North Face Met 5 Jacket:

North Face Met 5 JacketIt uses Polartec Heat technology to add more warmth on top of normal insulation and it adjusts itself to your body's temperature. 'The Polartec Power Shield fabric combined with the aforementioned technology is able to provide warmth on demand via 3 user adjustable heating levels.'

Pine Tree Clothes by g=9.8:

Pine Tree ClothesIt looks and feels like cotton but it isn't, this material is made from pine fibers. Once you are done with it just throw it off.

No-Contact Jacket:

No-Contact JacketIt produces 80,000 volts of electricity, all you have to do is press the switch and don't worry, there is an insulated rubber layer between you and the electricity produced.

All-In-One Jacket:

All-In-One JacketInfineon Technologies teamed with German clothing label Rosner to create this 'All-In-One Jacket'. A textile keyboard on the left sleeve controls the electronic features using electrically conductive fabric sewn into the lining. The electronic module contains an mp3 player with 128 MB of memory, with a power backup for upto eight hours. The headphones and a microphone are integrated into the collar of the jacket.

Pong Dress:

Pong DressIt's a creation of artists Max Moswitzer and Magarete Jahrmann of the Ludic Society.

SCOTTeVEST Tactical 4.0 System:

SCOTTeVEST Tactical 4.0 System'The Tactical 4.0 System consists of two key parts: the Tactical 4.0 jacket and the Fleece 4.0. Both can be worn separately in whole or as vests without their sleeves, providing seven total configurations. Its 40 pockets reflect careful planning and development over several release editions.'

Health Conscious Tanktop:

Health Conscious TanktopThis tanktop developed by Swedish School of Textiles researcher Lena Berglin, is sure to keep its wearer in best of health.

Sonic Fabric:

Sonic FabricIt's a textile woven from 50 percent used recorded audio cassette tapes and 50 percent cotton. 'The material retains its magnetism, and pieces made from it can be "listened to" by dragging an apparatus made from a tape head along its surface.'

Space Dress:

Space Dress (2) 1Space Dress (2) 2Designed by T Almeida, it inflates and expands in size, according to the user's wish.

Few other developments: Hi-Tech Dynamic Clothes Designed for the Ageing: 'Hi-tech clothes which merge technology with textiles to improve the quality of life for the ageing population will be created in a ground-breaking research project launched at the University of Wales, Newport.' And The Smithsonian's Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum showcased "highly engineered" fabrics that have applications in architecture, aerospace among others.


MAU ???

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