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12 Of The Most Expensive Foods And Drinks

all about unik 77 : percaya atau tidak, kalau bisa sih unik setuju ?

sumber :http://ome7.blogspot.com/2009/05/12-of-most-expensive-foods-and-drinks.html

With all the talk about rising food costs, many of us find ourselves in the grocery aisles complaining about paying $4.50 for a gallon of milk. Well, you haven’t seen anything yet! We've compiled a list of ridiculously expensive foods and drinks—including a $250 chocolate truffle and a $700 bottle of wine—that will only have you saying “Bon appétit” if you can afford it.
Classic Grey Sevruga Caviar
This Russian caviar comes from the Caspian Sea and a mere 14-ounce jar will run you $2,520.
La Madeline au Truffe
Knipschildt Chocolatier packages this decadent sweet in its very own box, nestled on a bed of sugar pearls. Just one of these chocolate truffles costs $250.
Moose Milk Cheese
Called "The World's Most Expensive Cheese" for good reason, this cheese costs $500 per pound and comes from small, private moose cow farms in rural Sweden.
Red Iranian Saffron
This type of saffron is of a quality called Sargol grade, which means "top of the flower,” and costs $750 for 100 grams.
Kobe Wagyu Beef
Wagyu beef is known around the globe for its juicy tenderness and superb flavor, which may explain why it’s $285.95 for just four steaks.
Fresh Black Winter Truffles
These Italian truffles are among the most expensive in the world—a quarter pound will subtract $400 from your bank account!
Kopi Luwak Coffee
Made from coffee berries that have been—we are not lying—eaten by and passed through the digestive tract of a civet, a cat-sized mammal found in Southeast Asia(Indonesia), a pound costs $229.95.
Dom Perignon 1988 Vintage Champagne
This well-known Champagne maker is synonymous with expensive costs, but this particular vintage, at $700 a bottle, is still pretty outrageous.
Goose Foie Gras
Goose liver foie gras is known for its softer, creamier taste than its duck liver counterpart. However, at $115 for 10 ounces, it's certainly not soft on your wallet.
Golden Opulence Sundae
New York City eatery Serendipity 3 holds the Guinness World Record for "Most Expensive Sundae." This $1,000 dessert includes a 23-karat edible gold leaf, rare chocolates and ice cream, served in a crystal goblet with an 18-karat gold spoon.
Tieguanyin Tea
This premium variety of Chinese oolong tea is closely related to green tea, and one kilo of it can cost as much as $3,000.
Martini on the Rock
At Manhattan’s Algonquin Hotel, you can sit in the lap of luxury at the Blue Bar and for $10,000 you can purchase the hotel's famous martini, which includes the diamond of your choice as decoration in the bottom of your glass.

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