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40+ Unique Rings.

all about unik 77 : percaya atau tidak, kalau bisa sih unik setuju ?

sumber :http://www.crookedbrains.net/2009/04/rings.html

Binary Ring:

Binary RingBinary ring uses binary codes "1" and "0" for storing data. This way one can write a personalized message on the ring. The message on the ring above reads "A Marriage of Values". The message may contain up to 25 characters.

Information Ring:

Information RingThis product is designed to exchange basic information with new people in the first meeting by shaking hands. Each ring has information stored about its owner and when you shake hands with somebody else, the ring will transmit your information and download the information from his or her ring. Another interesting feature is that it requires no external power source as it uses the human body temperature as its source.

Remember Ring:

Remember Ring24 hours before your special day begins, the ring's interior will begin to warm up to 120ยบ F for approximately 10 seconds. And the ring continues to warm up every hour, on the hour, all day long!

Remote Control Ring:

Remote Control Ring
It's a ring that turns the hand into a remote control; and controls any device just using your fingers. According to the developers, this could be used to control any kind of device without touching it, including music players, phones, and cars.

Security Ring:

Security RingAll you need to do is put the ring on one of your fingers and the base stays next to your computer. Once you move a certain distance away from the base station, the computer locks down.

Encoder Ring:

Encoder RingBinary numbers (0s and 1s) are used to store up to 66 characters.

GPS Rings:

GPS RingsThis Vibrating GPS Ring consists of three pieces. A GPS controller device to wear around the neck or fix to ones belt. The other two parts are the Vibrating GPS Rings, one for each hand. The Vibrating GPS Ring vibrates to give you directions. The relevant ring buzzes to turn left or right, and there's a different kind of vibration for back and forth. And if you take a wrong turn? They'll buzz together.

Camera Ring:

Camera RingThis ring concept is a look into what a future device might look like. It is tiny enough to wear on your finger yet powerful enough to give today's bigger cameras a run for their money.

Ring Phone:

Ring PhoneIts still in the conceptual stage and has won the SE Design Competition. On the outside it looks like any other beautiful ring but it can be used like any other phone to make or receive calls.

Ring Finger Mouse:

Ring Finger Mouse'The mouse is placed on your finger closest to your thumb. You rotate the mouse over so that your thumb has access to the trackstick and the mouse buttons.'

Health Monitor Ring:

Health Monitor RingSimply wear on your index or middle finger and it lets you know your health condition.

Bluetooth Headset Ring:

Bluetooth Headset Ring'Wear it on your finger and then bring your finger close to your ear. The "electromotive speaker" transmits vibrations through the finger and provides a clear and perfect sound within the ear without any interference from outside. '

Sterling Silver Ring Doubles As Microphone:

Sterling Silver Ring Doubles As Microphone'A ring with a 1/8-inch mic cable running out of it is the world's most discreet recording option.'

Ring Watch:

Ring Watch'It's a ring watch that uses 1,400 metal balls to tell the time. Each ball has a decorative and magnetic side, and is electrically activated to show the appropriate side to either tell the time or display a message.'

Pepper Spray Ring:

Pepper Spray RingIt uses a pepper spray which is 400 times stronger than a jalapeno pepper.

Alarming Ring:

Alarming RingThe ring fixes over the tip of your finger and it vibrates at the preset alarm time. To shut off the alarm you need to put the ring back on the dock.

Perfume Ring:

Perfume Ring'The real gem here is the hollow structure with tap so you can apply a spritz of perfume anytime, anywhere.'

Cushion Ring:

Cushion Ring'Pilo Pilo ring is a finger ring with a mini cushion attached to it, designed to be both stylish and useful.'

Ethernet Rings:

Ethernet RingsThis one is really the coolest.

USB Key Rings:

USB Key RingsThese USB Key rings are hand made, and comes with 2GB of storage, available in a variety of colors.

EQ Wedding Bands:

EQ Wedding Bands"I Do" Wedding Band in Palladium and 18K Yellow Gold - 'A set of wedding bands based on a recording of a person saying "I do". These can be custom made for any couple. The whole process of recording own voice and making wedding rings for each other is a unique experience.'

Apple's iRing:

http://iphonegap.com/2007/07/24/amazing-apples-iring-remote-control-for-your-iphoneVictor Soto, an artist, came up with the idea for iRings. Its a conceptual idea for a control playback for your Apple media devices. As a simple ring on a finger, it uses wireless Bluetooth for connectivity with iPod and iPhone.

Drum Machine Rings:

Drum Machine RingsOriginal sterling silver edition.

Sterling Silver Keyboard Ring:

Sterling Silver Keyboard RingThis ring is made of sterling silver and sports a number 8 key on top.

Singleringen - A Ring For Singles:

 Ring For SinglesIf you are single and available then you may try this; 'Let your finger do the talking'. It's a ring for guys and gals who want to advertise their single status and want to hint for a change, this rather stylish, modern ring can come in handy.

1981 Atari Ring:

1981 Atari Ring'This man's ring features a precise cast of the original Atari computer chip out of 18 karat gold. There is silver version, too.'

Electric Guitar Volume Ring:

Electric Guitar Volume RingThis ring is built from a bell knob of an electric guitar that is attached to a sterling sliver ring.

Forever Young Ring No. 1 Diamond Ring:

Forever Young Ring No 1 Diamond RingThis diamond ring is in the shape of a LEGO piece - Jacqueline Sanchez Forever Young Ring Number 1 Diamond Ring design.

Steampunk Ring:

Steampunk RingPink Rose Ring:

Pink Rose RingCorner Ring:

Corner RingHand-made rings made from concrete and stainless steel.

Gadget Key Ring:

Gadget Key RingHeadphone Ring:

Headphone RingIt's a handmade sterling silver band with headphone approx. 10mm diameter.

Digital Ring:

Digital RingSubtle Ring:

Subtle RingWood and Plastic Rings:

Wood and Plastic RingsFriendship Ring:

Friendship RingSteel And Rubber Ring:

Steel And Rubber RingFusering:

FuseringSpinning Top Ring:

Spinning Top RingNut And Bolt Wedding Ring:

Nut And Bolt Wedding RingPaper Rings:

Paper Rings (5) 1

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