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Jam Tangan Modern dan KEREN

all about unik 77 : percaya atau tidak, kalau bisa sih unik setuju ?

sumber :http://www.toxel.com/tech/2009/03/11/modern-watches-and-cool-watch-designs/

Modern Watches and Cool Watch Designs

Modern watches and creative watch designs from all over the world.

Luna Crystal Watch

Fashioned with Swarovski crystals steel, the Luna Crystal Watch is futuristic and eye-catching. Touching two contact points makes the time display magically appear as though it is floating inside the crystal. [link]

Luna Crystal Watch

Fortis IQ Watch

Designer Rolf Sachs has created a watch with a blackboard-style face for watch brand Fortis. [link]

Fortis IQ Watch

Gucci LED Watch

Gucci’s watches always give you elegant experience. This concept design comes with a sliding cover revealing a glass LED display. [link]

Gucci LED Watch

Real Crystal LED Watch

Inspired by Swarovsky Signity watches, this timepiece by designer Ilya Yakovlev features a surface made from real crystals backlit by LEDs. [link]

Real Crystal LED Watch

M60M Concept Watch

Instead of hands (hours/minutes/seconds), one rotating disc shows the time in hours and quarters (marks). The clock face exists as a ring only, the center is completely empty. [link]

M60M Watch

Homemade Pong Watch

OLED display runs continuously - unlike older LED watches, there is no need to press a button to see the time. Battery life is 25 hours. [link]

Homemade Pong Watch

Vain Transparent Watch

Display time on your skin with Vain watch design by Tao Ma. [link]

Vain Transparent Watch

Cabestan Winch Tourbillion Vertical Watch

Engineering masterpiece: 1,352 components working together in masterful horological precision, driven by a 450 link chain and nickel drums. [link]

Cabestan Winch Tourbillion Vertical Watch

Watches by Denis Guidone

Creative futuristic watch designs from Denis Guidone. [link]

Watches by Denis Guidone

The Universe Watch

This watch is based on solar system. The central red part is sun and the two planets rotating around is used to indicate hours and minutes. [link]

The Universe Watch

ORB Bracelet Watch

The idea for this watch is classic plastic bracelet, with incorporated lines inside the watch that show the current time. [link]

ORB Bracelet Watch

MK2 Circuit LED Watch

The Storm MK 2 Circuit Mirror watch is ultra futuristic and breathtakingly enigmatic. It is complemented by an unusual LED time display with hours on the left and minutes on the right. [link]

MK2 Circuit LED Watch

OVO Watch

Creative watch design by Shunji Yamanaka for Issey Miyake. [link]

OVO Watch

Tima E-Paper Watch

The Tima Watch, by French designer Julien Bergignat, is just another example of why more things should be made utilizing e-paper. [link]

Tima E-Paper Watch

Handcuffs Watch

Although handcuffs aren’t a good thing for most people, you might like this handcuff-shaped watch. [link]

Handcuffs Watch

Cassette Tape Watch

ASOS Cassette Face watch is a modern quartz timepiece that evokes the look of a cassette tape. [link]

Cassette Tape Watch

TIWE OLED Concept Watch

White dots run randomly. When you want to know the time, just shake it or hit the glass surface slightly. [link]

TIWE OLED Concept Watch

TIME-IT Flexible LED Watch

Unique LED sports watch is fully waterproof and recharges wirelessly. [link]

TIME-IT Flexible LED Watch

TIME-IT Flexible LED Watches

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