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Desain Desain Gelas yang KREATIF dan UNIK

all about unik 77 : percaya atau tidak, kalau bisa sih unik setuju ?

sumber :http://www.toxel.com/inspiration/2009/03/09/unusual-and-creative-glassware-designs/

Unusual and Creative Glassware Designs

Collection of unusual and creative glassware designs from around the world.

Little Heart Wine Glass

Beautiful wine glass design by Etienne Meneau features four interconnected glass tubes. [link]

Little Heart Wine Glass

Little Heart Wine Glass 2

Write-On Glassware

Feed the cat, take out the trash, mow the lawn; there are so many things to remember and now you can take your to-do list with you! Write on this glass mug or tumbler then erase when you are done with each task. [link]

Write-On Glassware

Zipper Wine Glass

“Half-empty or half-full? Half-zipped or half-unzipped? These are life’s big questions. [link]

Zipper Wine Glass

Self-Stirring Tea Glass

Two young French designers have created a self-stirring teacup. It’s a glass, actually, and it has a ceramic ball at the bottom that mixes around and mixes the tea as you lift the cup or swirl it gently. [link]

Self-Stirring Tea Glass

Float Tea Lantern

The tea lantern is designed with a double layered glass wall which encloses a vacuum, creating a thermal space that insulates steaming hot, or icy cold liquids. The double wall maintains an ideal serving temperature, while still allowing the lantern to be easily held and poured, like a wine bottle. [link]

Float Tea Lantern

Fast Glass Cup

It looks like a plastic cup. But it is made from glass. [link]

Fast Glass Cup

Botanical Martini Glass

Creative glass with unique silhouette and challenging yet functional design. [link]

Botanical Martini Glass

Happy People Reversible Glasses

Collection of reversible glasses consisting of diverse forms inspired by the mixture of people who come from various origins around the world. [link]

Happy People Reversible Glasses

Modern Wine Glass

Unusual wine glass designed by Jeremy Brown. [link]

Modern Wine Glass

Rainman Carafe

Instead of the usual stream of liquid exiting from the end of the carafe, several small holes transport the wine to the glass. [link]

Rainman Carafe

Ghost Goblet Glass

Pour in your favorite wine and the Ghost Goblet transitions from being a glass on your counter to a piece of art, proudly displayed. [link]

Ghost Goblet Glass

Tripod Wine Glass

Refreshing take on glass design, Marten Baptist took a typical dutch perspective on a triangular aesthetic. [link]

Tripod Wine Glass

Glass Beer Boot

Glass from the movie Beerfest, holds two liters of beer. [link]

Glass Beer Boot

Rocking Glass

A different definition of tipsy, the Rocking Glass features a curved bottom that allows it to rock without spilling over. Suitable for cocktails or as a decorative accessory, it’s a fresh take on the simple tumbler. [link]

Rocking Glass

Riedel Decanters Glassware

Beautiful wine glassware series from Riedel impresses with fluid shapes and simple forms. [link]

Riedel Decanters Glassware

Coke Can Glass

You can recapture those carefree times with a set of 6 glass tumblers styled to look like a classic 6-pack with raised logos and “wave” motif. [link]

Coke Can Glass

Hopside Down Glass

Fred likes to drink his beer right from the bottle, but Mrs. Fred is appalled. So Fred went out and did something about it – he created this bottle-in-a-glass as an homage to real men like him. [link]

Hopside Down Glass

Fair Share Fountain

Six champagne glasses, each one a bit smaller than the other, hand made out of Pyrex and each one has a tiny lip so that the champagne will flow over into the next smaller glass. [link]

Fair Share Fountain

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