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Gereja UNIK DI Bukit Berbatu TURKI

all about unik 77 : percaya atau tidak, kalau bisa sih unik setuju ?

sumber : http://damncoolpics.blogspot.com/2009/01/cave-church-of-st-peter-turkey.html

The Church of St Peter (St Peter's Cave Church) near Antioch (Antakya), Turkey, is composed of a cave carved into the mountainside on Mount Starius with a depth of 13 m, a width of 9,5 m and a height of 7m. This cave, which has been used by the first Christians in Antakya region, is considered to be one of Chistianity's oldest churches.

According to the manuscript and colors dating in the middle or second half of the 13th century. Fresco Mladenac Christ is almost unique in the Serbian fresco painting.

Only some pieces of ground mossaics, and traces of frescos on the right side of the alter have been preserved to date from the early period of the church. It is thought that the tunnel inside that opens to the mountain side, served the Christians to evacuate the church in case of sudden raids and attacks. Water that seeps from rocks to be gathered inside the drinking trough has been used for baptisms. The collection of water, which visitors drank and collected to bring to those who were ill, in the belief that it was healing and curative, has lessened as a result of recent earthquakes.

Manastir Black said anchoress the midst of a mountain in South Serbia, located in the narrow passage Black Rivers. It is surrounded by high rocks and rich forests.. Comes from the thirteenth century, when it was built small church in a large cave above the river beds Black. Soon the monks their kelije around the church, rock and built a small wooden bridge over the floating dry river bed. Great miracle God River directly above the monastery and again from the country after a few hundred meters underwater your flow. In fifteen century lived in the monastery is famous St. Joanikije Devički with its monks. Saint later was moved to the Drenica area where today the monastery of Devic.

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