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Futuristic Concept Cars

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futurustic car, iomega, futuristic auto

With main focus on extreme design but keeping an eye on the environment, the graduates at the Royal College of Art have competed for the 2008 Pilkington Automotive
Design award, with several futuristic cool cars ideas.

Among these graduates were Ian Callum, the Jaguar design chief, Peter Schreyer, the original Audi TT
and current head of
Kia design, Marek Reichman, the design director at Aston Martin, and many other important figures from the industry.
The winners of the RCA
Design 2008 were Pierre Sabbas for the best car concept and Jon Radbrink for best using of glazing.

futurustic car, phoenix concept by sergio loureiro da silva, futuristic auto

First comes the Phoenix concept by Sergio Loureiro Da Silva, the Spanish designer who used this innovative car concept design to express the regeneration of lost energy through movement. He said: “It’s about improving sustainability by designing every element to aspire to less energy consumption.”
“The beauty of a
comes from the contrast of a fluid shape with precise technical elements”, added the


futurustic car, airflow concept by pierre sabas, futuristic auto

The winner for best concept, Pierre Sabas, created the Airflow glass car design, placing both the electrically driven engine and suspension in the wheel, this leading to a high degree of architectural freedom. Inside, the car is made of glass and has 4 capsules for the passengers.

futurustic car, airflow concept by pierre sabas2, futuristic auto

“I’ve tried to wrap it around like fabric,” says Sabas. “It allows for a new driving sensation and it gives the occupants a new perception of the outside world.”

 futurustic car, nuaero concept by jon radbrink, futuristic auto

The winner for best use of glazing is a Swedish
who wanted to increase sustainability of the whole car elements using aerodynamic principles to help reduce fuel consumption. He called his creation inspired by building facades, Lexus Nuareo.

Jon Radbrink declared: “There is no real differentiator between normal and hybrid cars.”
“I was inspired by architecture,” he added. “I used glass in conjunction with other materials to create a layered affect that gives the feeling of transparency for the occupants.”

futurustic car, nereus concept by ceri yorath, futuristic auto

Nereus concept by Ceri Yorath gives the driver the possibility to relive previous speed experiences with the 3-seat fuel cell-powered car, by capturing them on a a memory card, using transformable plates covering the car, which change during driving time to visually reflect the driving style and the route.

futurustic car, multibrand mcar my loungev

Ilaria Sacco’s Multibrand Car My Lounge concept allows the owner to personalize it a a high level: “I’m thinking about a new way of consuming cars, like how you would design your living room.”

futurustic car, iomega concept by joonas vartola, futuristic auto

Iomega concept by Joonas Vartola is described in a few words by the Finish
himself: “The structure and layout of the car supports and fosters the idea of this being a passenger car rather than the usual driver’s car architecture.”

futurustic car, noah concept by jung hoon rhee, futuristic auto

The South Korean
Jung Hoon Rhee focused on ergonomics and preferred to eliminate the rigid seating position in cars. Noah car would give the occupants the sensation they are light and carried by the water.

The wave seats “can cope with various body sizes from infants to obese people providing equal comfort everywhere” said he.

futurustic car, concept car by arturo peralta nogueras, futuristic auto

This green
car design
from Arturo Peralta Nogueras is based on the riding horses experience, and is fueled by
algae with the exterior made of a solid holographic technology. The inside evolves and adapts to its environment, passengers and scenarios.

futurustic car, soft vehicle concept by raquel aparicio lopez, futuristic auto

Soft Vehicle comes from Raquel Aparicio Lopez. It is a foam car with a zip in the rear for the boot, capable to resist during accidents. “I would like to extrapolate rubber, textile and other soft materials into
design,” said the


 futurustic car enigma concept by paul howse, futuristic auto

Here is another impressive car with a futuristic look. It was designed by Paul Howse who explained his creation: “’The idea is to create a local quality, something that is completely unique to you.” He refers at the fact that his car concept made of bronze will change its aspect over time giving the impression of an old collective car.

 futurustic car concept car by yunwoo jeong, futuristic auto

Korean Yunwoo Jeong’s concept transforms in to a commuter or SUV, when
the driver

Source: Techpin.com

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