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Tokoh Dunia dgn Banyak Gelar Kehormatan !!!

all about unik 77 : percaya atau tidak, kalau bisa sih unik setuju ?

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Daisaku Ikeda

Tokoh Kemanusiaan, Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan serta Perdamaian Dunia dengan banyak Gelar Warga Negara Kehormatan
Gelar Doktor Honoris Causa, dan Penghargaan Lainnya karena perjuangan dan gerakan yang dilakukannya.

Gile gan, salut sama Tokoh begin !!!

Daisaku Ikeda is a Buddhist leader, peacebuilder, a prolific writer, poet, educator and founder of a number of cultural, educational and peace research institutions around the world.

Born: Tokyo, January 2, 1928
Family: Married with two sons
Interests: Philosophy, music, literature and photography

Positions Held:

Concurrently president, Soka Gakkai International* (1975-) and honorary president, Soka Gakkai (1979-); president, Soka Gakkai (1960-1979)

Peace and Cultural Institutions Founded:

Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research (1996)
Boston Research Center for the 21st Century (1993)
Victor Hugo House of Literature (1991)
Tokyo Fuji Art Museum (1983)
Min-On Concert Association (1963)
Institute of Oriental Philosophy (1962)

Educational Institutions Founded:
Soka Happiness Kindergarten, South Korea (2008)
Brazil Soka Elementary School (2002)
Brazil Soka Kindergarten (2001)
Makiguchi Foundation for Education (1995)
Malaysia Soka Kindergarten (1995)
Singapore Soka Kindergarten (1993)
Hong Kong Soka Kindergarten (1992)
Soka University of America (1987)
Soka Women's College (1985)
Kansai Soka Elementary School (1982)
Tokyo Soka Elementary School (1978)
Sapporo Soka Kindergarten (1976)
Kansai Soka Junior and Senior High Schools (1973)
Soka University (1971)
Soka Junior and Senior High Schools (1968)

*Soka Gakkai International (SGI) is a global association of lay Buddhists. It is recognized by the United Nations as a nongovernmental organization and cooperates with the UN in a variety of humanitarian and public information programs. Membership includes more than ten million members in Japan and more than 1.2 million members in 191 other countries and territories worldwide. (http://www.sgi.org)

Published Works:

Numerous works have been translated and published in more than 30 languages. English titles include the following:


A Quest for Global Peace with Joseph Rotblat (I. B. Tauris, London, 2006); Revolutions: to green the environment, to grow the human heart with M. S. Swaminathan (East West Books, Chennai, 2005); Moral Lessons of the Twentieth Century with Mikhail Gorbachev (I. B. Tauris, London, 2005); Planetary Citizenship with Hazel Henderson (Middleway Press, Santa Monica, CA, 2004); Global Civilization: A Buddhist-Islamic Dialogue with Majid Tehranian (British Academic Press, London, 2003); On Being Human: Where Ethics, Medicine, and Spirituality Converge with René Simard and Guy Bourgeault (Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, 2002): Choose Hope with David Krieger (Middleway Press, Santa Monica, 2002); Space and Eternal Life with Chandra Wickramasinghe (Journeyman Press, London, 1998); Choose Peace with Johan Galtung (Pluto Press, London & East Haven, CT, 1995); A Lifelong Quest for Peace with Linus Pauling (Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc., Boston & London, 1992); Search for a New Humanity with Josef Derbolav (Weatherhill, Inc., New York & Tokyo, 1992); Dawn After Dark with René Huyghe (Weatherhill, Inc., New York & Tokyo, 1991); Humanity at the Crossroads with Karan Singh (Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1988); Human Values in a Changing World with Bryan Wilson (Lyle Stuart, Inc., Secaucas, NJ, 1987); Before It Is Too Late with Aurelio Peccei (Kodansha International, Tokyo & New York, 1984); Choose Life: A Dialogue with Arnold J. Toynbee (Oxford University Press, London, 1976).

Philosophical Writings

The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, Vols. 1-6, Daisaku Ikeda et al. (World Tribune Press, Santa Monica, 2000-03): Unlocking the Mysteries of Birth and Death: Buddhism in the Contemporary World (Middleway Press, Santa Monica, 2003); For the Sake of Peace (Middleway Press, Santa Monica, 2001): The Flower of Chinese Buddhism (John Weatherhill, Inc., New York & Tokyo, 1986); Buddhism and the Cosmos (Macdonald, London, 1985); Life: An Enigma, a Precious Jewel (Kodansha International, Tokyo & New York, 1982); Buddhism, the First Millennium (Kodansha International, Tokyo & New York, 1977); The Living Buddha: An Interpretive Biography (John Weatherhill, Inc., New York & Tokyo, 1976); Buddhism: The Living Philosophy (The East Publications, Inc., Tokyo, 1974).

3. Essays, Addresses and Poetry

One by One (Dunhill Publishing, Sonoma, CA, 2004); Fighting for Peace (Warwick Press, Sonoma, CA, 2004); The World Is Yours to Change (Asahi Press, Tokyo, 2002); Soka Education: A Buddhist Vision for Teachers, Students and Parents (Middleway Press, Santa Monica, 2001); The Way of Youth (Middleway Press, Santa Monica, 2000); A New Humanism: The University Addresses of Daisaku Ikeda (Weatherhill, Inc., New York & Tokyo, 1996); A Lasting Peace, 2 volumes to date(John Weatherhill, Inc., New York & Tokyo, 1981, 1987); Glass Children and Other Essays (Kodansha International, Tokyo & New York, 1983); Letters of Four Seasons (Kodansha International, Tokyo & New York, 1980); On the Japanese Classics (John Weatherhill, Inc., NY & Tokyo, 1979); Songs from My Heart (John Weatherhill, Inc., New York & Tokyo, 1978).

4. Novels and Children's Literature

The Human Revolution, 6 volumes(John Weatherhill, Inc., New York & Tokyo, 1972-1999); Kanta and the Deer (Weatherhill Inc., New York, 1997); Over the Deep Blue Sea (Oxford University Press, London, 1992); The Cherry Tree (Oxford University Press, London, 1991); The Snow Country Prince (Oxford University Press, London, 1990).

Papers Delivered:

"From the Crossroads of Civilization-A New Flourishing of Humanistic Culture" (2007, University of Palermo); "A New Humanism for the Coming Century" (1997, Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies); "Building a Great Spiritual Bridge into the New Century" (1996, University of Havana); "Makiguchi's Lifelong Pursuit of Justice and Humane Values" (1996, Simon Wiesenthal Center); "Thoughts on Education for Global Citizenship" (1996, Teachers College, Columbia University); "Peace and Human Security: A Buddhist Perspective for the Twenty-first Century" (1995, East-West Center, University of Hawaii); "Leonardo's Universal Vision and the Parliament of Humanity: Thoughts on the Future of the United Nations" (1994, University of Bologna); "Mahayana Buddhism and Twenty-first Century Civilization" (1993, Harvard University); "In Search of New Principles of Integration" (1993, Claremont McKenna College); "The Dawn of Hope for Humanistic Civilization" (1993, Brazilian Academy of Letters); "A New Silk Road from the Cradle of Civilization" (1992, Ankara University); "The Twenty-first Century and East Asian Civilization" (1992, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences); "Toward a World Without War: Gandhism and the Modern World" (1992, Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti); "The Age of 'Soft Power' and Inner-Motivated Philosophy" (1991, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University); "Beyond the Profit Motive" (1991, University of the Philippines); "Art and Spirituality in the East and West" (1989, l'Institut de France); "In Pursuit of a Harmonious Fusion of Eastern and Western Cultures" (1981, University of Sofia); "A New Road to East-West Cultural Exchanges" (1975, Moscow State University); "Toward the Twenty-first Century" (1974, University of California, Los Angeles); and others.

Academic Affiliations:

Moscow State University (2002, honorary professor, Russia); Royal University of Phnom Penh (2002, honorary professor, Cambodia); Nanjing University (1999, honorary professor, China); Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (1992, honorary research professor, China); Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (1987, honorary professor, Dominican Republic); Peking University (1984, honorary professor, China); Fudan University (1984, honorary professor, China); National University of San Marcos (1981, honorary professor, Peru); and others.

Honorary Doctorates:

Visva-Bharati (Tagore International University) (literature, 2006, India);
Vietnam National University of Hanoi (2005, Vietnam);
University of Guadalajara (2004, Mexico);
University of Jordan (humane letters, 2004, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan);
University of San Francisco Xavier of Chuquisaca (2004, Bolivia); Chinese Culture University (philosophy, Taiwan, 2003);
Putra University, Malaysia (letters, 2000, Malaysia);
University of Sydney (letters, 2000, Australia);
University of Panama (2000, Panama);
Queens College of the City University of New York (humane letters, 2000, U.S.A.);
Cheju National University (Korean language & literature, 1999, Republic of Korea);
University of Delhi (letters, 1999, India);
Ricardo Palma University (1998, Peru);
Kyung Hee University (philosophy, 1998, Republic of Korea);
National University of Mongolia (humanities, 1997, Mongolia); University of Kelaniya (letters, 1997, Sri Lanka);
University of Ghana (law, 1996, Ghana);
University of Havana (letters, 1996, Cuba);
University of Denver (education, 1996, U.S.A.);
University of Hong Kong (letters, 1996, Hong Kong);
Tribhuvan University (letters, 1995, Nepal);
University of the North (education, 1995, South Africa);
University of Glasgow (1994, U.K.);
University of Bologna (1994, Italy);
Federal University of Paraná (1993, Brazil);
National University of Asunción (philosophy, 1993, Paraguay);
National University of Córdoba (1993, Argentina);
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1993, Brazil);
University of Nairobi (letters, 1992, Kenya);
Ankara University (social science, 1992, Turkey);
University of the Philippines (law, 1991, Philippines);
University of Buenos Aires (1990, Argentina);
University of Sofia (1981, Bulgaria);
Moscow State University (1975, former U.S.S.R.); and others.


Honorary member, Russian Academy of Arts (RAA) (2007, Russia); advisory board member, World Centers of Compassion for Children International (WCCCI) (2004, Ireland); honorary advisor, Indian Science Congress Association (2002, India); honorary chairman of the International Appeal Board of Advisers, The Appeal Foundation (2002, Sweden); honorary life member, The Thoreau Society (2001, U.S.A.); honorary adviser, Lu Xhun Museum (2000, China); honorary adviser, World Federation of United Nations Associations (1999); honorary member, Társalgó Association (1999, Hungary); Diplome D’art Photographique, Photo-Club du Val de Bievre (1998, France); honorary senator, European Academy of Sciences and Arts (1997); honorary member, Club of Rome (1996); non-resident member, Brazilian Academy of Letters (1993); honorary founding member, Pan African Writers Association (1993); Poet Laureate, World Academy of Arts and Culture (1981); and others.


Russian Federation Order of Friendship (2008, Russia);
Order of Merit "Grand Officer" (2006, Italy);
A. S. Pushkin Gold Medal (2005, Russia);
Order of Francisco de Miranda, First Class (2005, Venezuela);
Global Excellence Award, San Gabriel Valley Chapter, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (2002, U.S.A.); Order of Civil Merit of the Liberator Simón Bolívar in the Grade of Grand Cross (2002, Bolivia);
Commendation for Peace and Human Rights Contributions, Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine, University of Natal (2002, South Africa); Title of Knight of the Grand Cross of the Equestrian Order of Saint Agatha (2001, Republic of San Marino);
Education as Transformation Award, Education as Transformation Project (2001, U.S.A.);
Tagore Peace Award (1997, India);
Knight Grand Cross of Rizal (1996, the Philippines);
Simon Wiesenthal Center International Tolerance Award (1993, U.S.A.);
Rosa Parks Humanitarian Award (1993, U.S.A.);
Knight Grand Cross of the Most Noble Order of the Crown (1991, Thailand);
Order of Merit of May in the Grade of Grand Cross (1990, Argentina); National Order of the Southern Cross of the Republic of Brazil (1990, Brazil);
UNHCR Humanitarian Award (1989);
Kenya Oral Literature Award (1986, Kenya);
Peace and Friendship Cup (1986, China);
United Nations Peace Award (1983); and others.

Honorary Citizenship:
From more than 500 cities and counties around the world.

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